ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

August 15th – quick update

Anna and her 4 children (the other young woman helps her care for the children)

This will only be a quick update as Andrew is sick with malaria so I am putting together the update based on his messages during the week.

Anna and Annet received their Purifaaya filters and Andrew taught them how to care for them. Annet’s husband was thrilled and commented, “You are the ones who keep helping my wife. Thank you very much. Please thank your boss for me now I don’t have to buy more charcoal for water.”

Annet and her children

Another exciting event was that 40 of our kits, backpacks and facecloths were delivered to Joan with Elohim in Bombo and she distributed the kits to the girls she works with. They were thrilled to get them and I am thrilled that some kits have finally made it into the hands of the girls who need them.

Anna and Betty are poised and ready for when the shipment of kits arrives in the container- Betty will coordinate some women to sew the extra pads and bags and then Anna will do the presentations to distribute the kits. Andrew will be out buying panties again! 🙂

Anna and Hadijah are still nursing their injured feet from their boda accidents. Hadijah’s wound became infected so we have been helping her with the costs of the doctor visits and medication. Andrew is checking with the two of them regularly to ensure they have everything they need to heal properly.

I hope you all have a fabulous week. Thank you for following and supporting our work.


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