ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Bree’s trip to Ghana Part IV

{As you are likely aware, the fire situation in Kelowna is changing minute by minute and we are all impacted to varying degrees. At this stage (Saturday afternoon) we are uncertain of what the next few days will hold, and so we are temporarily going to stop posting to this blog. We will return to regular postings as soon as feasible. Also please note that a new post from Andrew follows this one, but WordPress (the software running this blog) is HORRIBLE and so you may have a challenge finding it. Please click on the ‘older posts’ arrow at the end of this post to see Andrew’s latest. Thank you again for all your support.}

The Final Days 

Better late than never!  The last of my days in Ghana were spent soaking up some local shopping, visiting the Aburi Botanical Gardens, and a surprise extra day; the beginning of travel purgatory. 

The slow pace of life in Ghana suited me just fine compared to my home life of full-time work, full-time mom, and up until May, full-time student.  As such, I spent the time at Aburi Botanical Gardens in awe of the tree’s magnificent size, and really took my time in local stores finding the perfect gifts for me and those I love, that captured local product and talent. 

All in all, this trip to Ghana was a real gift. As always, my favourite part was the time immersed in projects centered around women’s health and literacy.  Project One Million, and it’s wonderful group of volunteers, are such a gift to the community.  I will be so pleased to see where their work grows and how they continue to support menstrual equity in communities across Ghana.  It was a real pleasure to be invited to see and participate in their work, and to have ISEE involved in bringing some of the sanitary kits from our many dedicated volunteers back in Canada. With utmost to gratitude to the Agboka family for opening their homes and hearts, thank you for everything, including the airport rescues.

For those who are wondering, travel purgatory included taking off before landing once again ten minutes later, over 30 hours of delays, two weeks of lost luggage (still TBD), a sprint through London Gatwick, and many almost-breakdowns. Another important thing for you to know is that I’m unlikely to ever be caught running, unless there is a bear or there is a risk of my seeing my family being further delayed, apparently.  

To everyone who followed along, thanks for ‘tuning in’ for the journey and supporting our work at ISEE over the years through reading, sharing, donating, volunteering, and traveling. We couldn’t have done any of this work without all of you!  The biggest thanks of all to Erika for including me in this work and for having the heart and the brains to pull it all together. 

Until we meet again! 


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