ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Internet Issues

Good morning ISEE friends.

We have no report to share from Andrew this week as he is still struggling to find a way to connect to internet after Mr. Museveni shut down all internet prior to the general election (which he won). Internet is back up but apparently not accessible to everyone yet.

The country has remained relatively calm post-election which is a relief.

A few updates to share from the brief spurts of contact we have had…

Geoffrey has finally been able to acquire wood and will start burning his bricks this week.

Maria’s pigs were sick but the vet gave them some medicine and they are fine once again.

Jennifer has a job working in a professional kitchen so she is happy to have modern tools to use.

Betty’s tailoring school is slowly beginning to pick up.

Catherine’s chickens have started laying again.

Prossy’s pigs are doing well. They sold one pig who hadn’t become pregnant and used the money to pay Katie’s school fees.

Prossy – piggies

Florence left for the village to avoid any conflict from the election but has returned home. She left her children in the village with her sister. Salon work has slowed so she is selling flavoured ice as she waits for business to pick up.

Florence – hair salon

Aidah has continued her chip business as usual. She closed for a half day for the elections but that was all.

Aidah – chips

Rashida is doing well and has exended her charcoal business. She has taken over the space next to her stall and is selling the charcoal from there.

Rashida – tea, food stall and now charcoal

Rovence is still waiting for power to have cold drinks but she is continuing to cook as per usual.

Rovence – restaurant

Just a few tidbits but better than nothing!

Hope your 2021 has started well. Thank you for your continued interest and support of ISEE’s work.

In friendship,

Erika 🙂

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