ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

One more Mama to sponsor – Annet

Annet Nakawoojwa snack business 

Annet started her business about 11 months ago after she separated from her husband and left to start a new life in Kyengera, Nabaziza. She has three children and two are already in school. The father never supported them so she had to start up something to raise her kids and also maintain her life.

She says that she started with just three cups and a small saucepan and from there she has been able to add a few things like flasks and kettles and even big saucepans to prepare her tea and porridge. She sells by the road side in Kyengera town where people sell other foods like mandazi (donuts), chapati, and chips so her tea would complement the other businesses around her.

Her desire is to increase her income by adding to her business and diversifying into other snacks like kebabs and chapatis so that she can get more money to sustain her family. 

One of the challenges in her business is that usually she delivers tea to people and when she goes to retrieve her cups, some people have left so she loses the cups. She wants to rent a space so that people can sit at her place and she can avoid this misfortune.

She seems to be a determined person and she has managed to grow her small business. She missed the initial interview with Anna and Erika as she was at the hospital with a sick child. She did call to let Andrew know that she wasn’t going to be able to make the interview so we wanted to make sure she was given the same opportunity as the others. Andrew interviewed her this week and feels that she is an ideal candidate for our program.

Amount requested: $300 for an electric deep fryer, two deep frying pans, and three months rent.

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