ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

The tank has arrived!

Kyengera has finally got its water tank! We are thrilled that in the past month, the base was constructed, the gutters were installed and the tank was delivered. Now the school can harvest all the rain water that falls and the students won’t lose a half day of instruction fetching water from the neighbourhood pump.

Thank you to Elias and the team at Kyengera for their vision for their school.

Thank you to Andrew for overseeing the project and for ensuring it was completed in a timely manner.

A HUGE thank you to the following teachers and students who raised funds for this tank:

Mrs. Davies and the students at North Glennmore Elementary

Mme King and the leadership and social justice students as well as the passion project team at Dr. Knox Middle School

Mme Godon and her grade 4 class as well as Iris and Ellowyn at Ecole Glenmore Elementary

You have changed the lives of the students of Kyengera Preparatory School.

Webale Nnyo – Thank you very much

In friendship,






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