ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions


On Monday, Anna and I presented at two primary schools: Kijabijo Primary School in Gyasa and Kyengera Preparatory School in Kyengera.

Kijabijo had over 100 girls that they wanted us to present to but we only had 50 kits for them (as they had originally been told) so they gave us 51. These girls were older but still just in primary school so we talked about safe sex as well as puberty and menstruation. We always focus on abstinence and keeping the girls in school but we want them to be informed anyway.

The second school is owned by a teacher that I used to work with at Living Hope in primary. Elias is very proud of his school of course and was thrilled to host his first team of international guests. His girls were very young, 9 and 10 years old, but there were four older ones and all the female teaching staff. I answered several questions about family planning for them but focussed on hygiene and puberty for the girls.

The girls were especially excited about the messages on the back of the instructions. Thanks to the Kelowna Girl Guides for personalizing all of them!

It was fun to teach again and I am excited for July when we get to distribute over 1500 more kits!

Have a great day.

In friendship


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