ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Day 5 – Mamas

After visiting Andrew’s adopted mother who made cross-stitch bags for us, we headed to meet two more Mamas.

Jen was unfortunately sick with malaria but still came out to meet with us. I am very concerned about her health and hope she recovers her strength soon. She has medication that she is supposed to take with milk but she refuses milk or meat so she is having a hard time with the tablets.

Our next visit was to Angel. Her shelves were quite bare but she said she is restocking tomorrow. She was very thankful for the sponsorship to grow her available stock.

One thing we always make sure we have when we come is James’ amazing deep fried fish. After touring the new Kabojja International School, we were joined by Mr Lwasa and Sam for fish dinner. Of course there was a lot more than just fish… we were well stuffed. I’m glad I ate nothing after breakfast!

Enjoy your day.

In friendship,


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