ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions


You may remember Suzan who I introduced to you a few weeks ago as a new mama candidate. We were lucky to get three people who donated enough between them to sponsor her fresh food business.

Thursday is “market day” (although the market runs every day) where the veggie sellers come to buy their produce from the delivery trucks that come from the village.

We met Suzan at 8am and while I sat in the van and people watched (costs go up when a muzungu is around), Andrew and Suzan purchased matooke, irish potato, banana, and sweet potato. Suzan decided to start with that and then build from there. She’s hoping to find a larger spot to sell from in her community as she’s currently selling from the front of her home.

Suzan dreams of becoming a lawyer but told Andrew that she never finished S6 (high school) because of the birth of her second child.

After the death of her father, when she couldn’t pay school fees in S4 and S6, alternate ways of paying were offered. Unfortunately the second child came before her secondary schooling was over.

It is our hope to be able to support Suzan in her business and in her quest to get her high school diploma. Maybe we will eventually find a sponsor who will help her achieve her dream of becoming a lawyer.

For now, her fresh produce stand will provide the necessary income for her children to stay in school. She doesn’t want them to have to give up school because of a lack of school fees. She knows the value of an education and hopes to be able to join her children in completing secondary school.

We always need support from our community to help these women’s dreams come true. Please donate! Any amount adds up.

Webale Nnyo.

Have a great day.


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