ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

First Kits Assembled

Arrived safe and sound obviously in Uganda and have settled right back in. Andrew and I spent a calm day Tuesday just walking Tank Hill and exploring pool options for future swims. It was lovely.

But today it was to work we went! I brought the components for 180 kits so we chopped soap (with my soap knives – thanks Corey for getting those for me; what a difference!), folded Betty’s pads and assembled the kits for Tuesday. We are heading south into a community I’ve never been to called Kakiri (ka-chi-li). We’ll present to primary students there.

There are, however, local council elections on Tuesday so schools may be closed. We’ll know probably on Tuesday just before we go!

Hope everyone is well, wherever you are in the world! Have a lovely rest of your day.

– Erika

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