ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Jennifer from 2014


After leaving my card with Rovence, Jenifer was able to contact me about a week ago and I got her number then promised to call her and pay her a visit to catch up and see what she has been up to over the last few or many months since we last lost contact somewhere towards the end of the year.

She is actually doing great, and has since moved three times over the last two years but most importantly she has stayed in business and has improvised to survive in the ever changing business environment down here in Uganda. She now works in a building next to the former Nakivubo stadium and vends her food to the people selling clothes and other things on this shopping Arcade.

She has employed about 8 girls who look for customers and deliver this food and they are paid on commission whereas two of them are on her monthly or weekly pay role. These girls help her in cooking, cleaning and other small duties involved in the business. The place she is in now is more stable and apparently she left the previous place because they were asked to pay 500,000/- monthly for using the space to prepare and serve the food, whereas the current place costs only 100,000/- which she says she easily affords.

She is healthy and her only remaining daughter is doing well in school and she has big hope in this particular one, the older girl ran off with a boy and she actually doesn’t know where she is even today.

Otherwise the business is still going on well she said and she was happy that we had been trying to reach out to her even when she fell off the grid. She thanked ISEE solutions for believing in her and we actually spoke for over 45min, which is great that we as an organization are trying to maintain the relationships with these Mamas and she can’t wait to see you when you come to Uganda.

Report by;

Echel Andrew

Category: Uncategorized