ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions


On one of the rainy nights a few weeks ago her salon was broken into and lots of her properties were stolen like the hair dryer, hand dryer, weaves, chemicals and some of the rollers too.

She has still managed to keep the salon open as they had been able to buy a new hand dryer which is not very effective especially with people with long hair. She has continued to use this and keep her salon open because she had developed some clientele over the years, she desires to buy another dryer but still hasn’t able to get the money. This piece of equipment is what provided her with the competitive edge over the other local salons which didn’t have this dryer, most of her activities use a dryer as most of her customers wash and need to dry their hair each time. So the hand dryer is slow and not as effective.

She is well and her kids are doing well and they have all managed to stay in school regardless of the incident.

Otherwise she is fine and doing okay, still has the cough from the dry cough that itches her throat.

Thank you


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