ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Menstrual Period Pre-Survey

People often ask whether the kits are really needed and if they are really used. We created a pre-presentation survey that 5 groups completed and Andrew will do a post-presentation survey to see the effectiveness of the kits.

This is the collation of 193 surveys.

5 groups surveyed:

HEYFU adult women living in Boise and Kawempe slums (Kampala)

Trinity Secondary School (Kampala)

Pride Academy Secondary School (Kampala)

St Mary’s High School (Kampala)

Kiwooza Primary School (Kayunga Village)

Of note:

  • The HEYFU women overwhelmingly said they had never missed school due to their period. This could be because they were not attending school when their menstrual period began.
  • Pride and St Mary’s girls all chose pads as their current method of absorbing their menstrual flow, naming brands like Always and Natural Care
  • 6 girls surveyed had not started their menstrual period yet
  • Girls in the village on average start their period between the ages of 8-13 whereas the ones in Kampala on average start between the ages of 13-17

How old were you when you started getting your menstrual period?

<11 11 12 13 14 15 16+
5 10 31 44 56 32 9

Have you ever missed school due to your menstrual period?

No Yes
70 121

If yes, why did you miss school? (answers go from most to least)

  1. No pads
  2. Stomach-ache/cramps
  3. Other pain
  4. Fear
  5. Feeling ill
  6. Heavy bleeding
  7. Cotton cloths might leak
  8. Mocked by school master/peers
  9. Embarrassed/blood on uniform
  10. Bled more at school
  11. Item used to absorb blood caused pain

What do you currently use to absorb your menstrual flow? List all that apply. (answers go from most to least)

  1. Torn cloth
  2. Sanitary pads
  3. Panties
  4. Sponge
  5. Belt
  6. Paper
  7. Handkerchief
  8. Cotton wool
  9. Toilet Paper
  10. Banana fiber
  11. Leaves
  12. School socks/stockings
  13. Flowers
  14. Towels
  15. Mattress cover
  16. Tissue
  17. Nothing

Discussion about kit use was had in Lamwo and at a high school in Nateete where Erika presented in 2015. The girls who had attended the previous presentations said they used the kits and they helped keep them in school. Some wanted larger/longer pads but overall they found the kits to be useful.

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