ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Tuesday’s reflection by Linda F.

**Please note that while we are up north, we may not have any internet access. As always, no news is good news but if news needs to be shared, I will text back home and you will know!** – Erika

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A quiet, slow start to the day.  Left by 11:00 with the van loaded down with 6 bags of kits but only 7 of us now.  Picked up a friend of Andrew’s – Brenda who was coming to help translate.  It was a very long 3 hour drive as we hit a huge jam, road construction, and then a dusty, bumpy country road. As always boda bodas everywhere, carrying passengers or heavy loads, passing from both sides, and cutting across traffic.

Arrived in Matugo, a farming community, and went to Kiti Parents Primary school and girls from 2 other schools came to join us.  After the official welcoming, we gave 3 workshops to 110 girls and 7 teachers while Andrew talked to 27 boys.  He does such a good talk on showing respect, responsibilities, and how to avoid the pitfalls of puberty. 28 girls and 13 boys from 5-13 years are borders and to us that seems very young to be away from home.

Made it home in 1 hour as this time we knew where we were going.  It’s amazing how such a day can be tiring but it was.

James cooked another good meal – spaghetti, goat stew, greens, and delicious fresh pineapple. Annemarie from Yimba and her 3 tailors arrived with our new clothes.  Lots of fun seeing the prints we had chosen turn into real outfits, purses, and ties.  It is a good thing after all of the shopping and new clothes that we have the big bags to go back home.

Packing up for our 5 days up north.

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