ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

A few photos and an update from Shalanne

And we’re back! A few days with no Wi-Fi and were back on the grid. This blog entry will be a personal account from myself recapping the last few days.

Like Canada, on the weekends here in Uganda most schools break for the weekend. Because of this, we had a day off from presentations on Sunday and were able to enjoy a universal privilege of shopping! We went to a Muzungu artisan market (White person’s market) where some of us were VERRRRRYYYY successful and enjoyed the full 2 hours we were allotted. Others finished quite quickly and took the opportunity to relax on the grass under the shade of a tree. Be sure to check in with your friends to find out what amazing artwork, clothing, house-wares, jewellery, instruments, etc. were purchased. Perhaps you will be a lucky recipient!

Once we had shopped and almost dropped, we headed back to the school where we were lucky enough to host a family of Erika’s friends over for a dinner. James, our chef, cooked us each a tilapia fish served in whole form! To some, having dinner staring back was a bit intimidating. Being the daughter of a fisherman, I dug in with no utensils!! What a delicious traditional treat this was.

Monday we were back on the road and did 2 presentations. Mom, Jean, and I were placed with the 17 year and older girls and were definitely aware of some sexually active girls in the group. I feel that everything we talk to them about is of a real value and that the girls are very pleased and appreciative of having us come and speak to them.

Last evening we were lucky to have Anne-Marie and her husband Emma from YIMBA, and their team of seamstresses come over to take our measurements in order to create some beautiful tailored items. I can hardly wait as I’ve requested 2 dresses and of course, with some of the left over fabric, matching bow ties for my dog Taivas! Of course, when I said this everyone laughed but I don’t think they realize how handsome he is. Pictures will follow and I’ll be sure to pass these along to Anne-Marie.

Today we started by visiting a primary school that had recently been robbed and damaged by the last hired management group. Here, we were able to host a couple of presentations as well as build up a library from all of the books that had been donated to us. It was a privilege to be able to read to the kids and leave them with donated toys, school supplies, and sporting equipment. For a primary school that had 1 book left by Erika back in March, it was a true blessing to be witness to this generosity. In the afternoon, we headed to a Secondary school where again Mom, Jean and I, spoke with the older girls. In a week’s time it is quite remarkable how I’ve re-learned my Sex-Ed from high-school and am feeling much more comfortable in co-leading presentations. Perhaps a new calling for me when I’m back home!!

Tonight, once we came home to the school house, we were treated to a dance performance by an organization called Elohim from Bombo. This group of talented youth is made up of orphaned children from around the country and their drumming and dancing was spectacular. Whether it be the Mama who works 5 jobs to keep her kids in school or the dance troupe that drove a couple of hours to perform and need to get home in order to get up for school in the morning, I have realized that the determination and perseverance of the Ugandan people is inspiring.

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