ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

A few pics and some words from Jenaya

Here’s some photos from Tuesday. Jenaya will give you more details about the day!

Hello world, Jenaya here! Despite my current state of sleep deprivation, I’ll do my best to produce a coherent blog post for you, because we’re finally on the ground in Uganda and how awesome is that?! After taking a few hours this morning to eat breakfast and get organized, the team headed off to visit Betty, a local seamstress who had undertaken the enormous task of producing 4000 liners for our sanitary kits as well as colorful drawstring bags to keep the kits together. The first three photos above were taken in her shop in Kampala, where we also got to meet some of Betty’s employees, Betty’s husband Kenneth, and their adorable tiny son Keith. (Keith was not impressed when a herd of muzungus suddenly showed up on his doorstep, but he warmed up to us eventually!) We spent a while in Betty’s shop before going to run a few errands, then making our way back to our accommodation to start preparing the kits for distribution. During that process, I started to fully understand how much time and effort has gone into preparing for this trip. The last picture above shows only a tiny fraction of the towering piles of items that will soon be distributed to the girls here. Considering my own reputation as the most incompetent sew-er ever to thread a needle, I was impressed and grateful for those savvy seamstresses who did the work of creating the kits for us back home. Using a streamlined and (mostly) efficient assembly line strategy, we were able to finish packing about a third of the kits and will finish the rest in the next couple of days. Tomorrow, we’ll be off to visit Prossy, the original Mama Nguvu™. I can’t wait to meet her, and to see what other adventures await us in the weeks to come!

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