ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Mama Update

Just to give you all an update about the Mamas we mentioned in March.

We are happy to report that Prossy has had her cast removed and she is back to taking care of her grand-children, her piggies and her farm. Her husband has stayed a few extra weeks to make sure she is okay but he will be heading back to his brother’s farm to help him tend his cattle this week. Thanks to the generous donor who paid for Prossy’s medical visits and cast removal. She sends her love to you.

As for all the other Mamas, we have managed to raise just under $1000 thanks to four generous donors who want to see these women build their business and educate their children. We still need just over $2000 to be able to sponsor all the women we met in March.

If everyone who reads this gives $5 or $10, we will change the lives of 11 women and the future of over 50 children. Wouldn’t that be amazing? So little can do so much. The team traveling in July will help these women set up their businesses so you will be able to see exactly where your money goes.

Please donate via the Paypal button or send a cheque to the address down below on the right of this page.

Thank you!

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