ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Ready – Set – Pack!

Corey and I are heading to Uganda a week today so this weekend has been spent packing and unpacking and packing again. Emirates has different policies for carry-on so we’re trying to figure out how we will get everything packed!

We weighed and packed shields and liners for 400 kits – we can get our supplies for 200 kits into one 50lb bag. We have half the liners made in Uganda so that cuts our weight a bit. We won’t be doing presentations this time, those will happen in July. This trip is purely administrative so that we can get everything “organized” for the summer team.

We still need Ziploc bags and nail files. The Ziplocs are often on sale at Costco with 3 boxes of large freezer bags for just under $11.00. That gives us 120 bags. We need 4000 bags total. So far we have 1200.

We add a nail file as a treat for the girls in their kit bag and they are thrilled. We have 100 so far so we need another 1900! We prefer the thicker cardboard ones because they last longer than the thin emery boards. Apparently Dollarama has them in packages of 2 for $1.25.

If you can help us purchase these, we would really appreciate it. Every little bit helps. You can make a donation toward the purchase of these items or you can purchase them yourself and I’ll pick them up.

If you want to see what we do each day of our trip, sign up for a notification when we update the blog. Your account won’t be inundated with emails or spam, it will just be an email saying there is something new on the blog. It will happen once a day for 10 days and then not daily again until July. Promise!

Thanks for your support, in all its forms. We appreciate the emails, kind words, and amazing deeds that everyone contributes toward our work. A big thank you to Days for Girls Central Okanagan and all the other people involved in making the kits. (There’s a sewing bee on March 29th from 9:30-12:30 if you’re interested in helping – they need sewers and non-sewers alike!)

A big thank you to my Mum who coordinates all the details in the making/storing/counting of the kits and to Margaret and Mary for storing all our supplies. You ladies are so amazing!


PS – We are on Instagram! You can follow us at: isee_solutions

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