ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Your donation x2!

Thanks to a partnership with a local Rotary club, ISEE is applying for a Rotary Matching Grant. This means that our donations for the reproductive health program up to a maximum of $5000US will be doubled. Judging by the way the Canadian dollar is going, this could be worth $7000 or more for us!

Imagine, one kit costs about $15.00 so our initial investment of $7000 would pay for 466 kits. The matching grant would add another 466 kits for girls in Uganda. WOW! Almost 1000 girls who can continue to go to school, even when they have their period. A thousand girls who will learn about their reproductive health, safe sex, avoiding pregnancy, giving consent, and what to do if they have been raped.

Please donate and see your money double in value as you invest in a girl’s life.

Thank you for your support!



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