ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

July 25th – Popcorn!

Andrew will be sending us weekly updates about ISEE’s work and the progress of the Mama Nguvu participants. Webale Nnyo Andrew!

Report on week one activity on the Mama Nguvu Project

This week I was able to contact the popcorn mamas who had received popcorn machines the previous week. During my interaction with the mamas, after the phone calls that I was able to make prior to the meeting. The activities were all carried out 15th/07/2015.

I was able to find out that one of the mamas (Salume Semmy) had already started to operate as she waited for the purchase of the corns as ISEE had promised to avail her with before the week elapsed. We discussed over what items they would want to purchase and we came to a consensus that we would buy for Edith (was allocated 250,000/- Ugx total) 100kgs of pop corns @ 2,000/- Ugx worth 200,000/- Ugx, 10liters of oil @ 42,000/- Ugx and 2.5kgs of salt @5,000/- Ugx and transport worth 6,000/- on bodas to business premise.

Salume Semmy (was allocated 230,000/- Ugx)  was able to get 80kgs @2,000/- Ugx worth 160,000/- Ugx, 10liters of oil @ 42,000/- Ugx, 2.5kgs of salt @ 5,000/-, 2 packs of polythene bags @ 1,800/- Ugx worth 3,600/- Ugx and transport worth 9,000/- Ugx worth on transport to business premise.

I was able to carry out the activity with my counterpart Anna Munyaneza, who was there the whole time to ensure that we were able to carry out the duties effectively and ensured that we also have some pictures of the day as events unfolded.

Edith was able to contact me to confirm that she had arrived and was very grateful to the ISEE team on ground for the work as well as the Canadian team. In her, own words “mwebale nyo” which translates in “thank you” in reference to the team(Plural).

Thank you team ISEE, thank you for helping the Ugandan Mamas through the Mama Nguvu project. We are proud to be a part of you.

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