ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Thank you GtoG, GME PAC, and S.G.!

Thank you to Gifts to Grandmas Kelowna who has graciously sponsored seven tailors. These seven women all have various degrees of experience in tailoring and craft making but all are so happy to be getting a machine of their own and some supplies to get started. The machines were delivered and assembled on Saturday and then today (Tuesday), we all piled into the van to go into the depths of downtown Kampala to buy thread and fabric. It was mayhem as each woman had her own idea of what she wanted to buy. A tiring time but well worth it.

left to right: Rose, Harriet, Suzan, Jennifer, Florence, Lilly, Mariam

Taking the machines home on the back of boda bodas.


Taking their packages home.


Thank you to Glenmore Elementary PAC and families for sponsoring two hairdressers. Immaculate already has a small salon but is looking to expand and wants to be a sponsor teacher for the local hairdressing school. She is also going to mentor Florence, who is just starting her business. She has been trained as a hairdresser but has not had the capital to purchase the required equipment to start her business. Her sister will soon graduate from hairdressing school (the call it saloon school here) and will join her. It is their dream to earn enough money to buy their mother a grinding machine for flour as that is how she makes money in the village but she has to rent the machine from someone else. The sponsorship of Florence will help three women in her family and all their children.



Thank you as well to Stephanie G. who contributed toward the sponsorship of Florence N. in her restaurant business. We purchased and delivered the fridge today and will go to purchase the plates, saucepans etc. tomorrow. Florence ululated on the phone when we told her she was going to be sponsored and when we delivered the fridge, she jumped up and down and thanked us over and over.


We still need more sponsors! Please help. Poverty should not be a barrier to education. Help these women get the respect they deserve and earn the money they can to send their children to school. Thank you!

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