ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

May is Mama Month!

In honour of Mother’s Day, ISEE Solutions is launching our second annual Sponsor a Mama fundraising drive!

Each of these women has a dream to send her children to school.

Each of these women has a vision for a business.

Your donation empowers women like these to make their dream and vision come true!

100% of the money donated to Mama Nguvu (Empowering the Mother) is invested in the equipment the Mama needs to establish her business. In exchange, she guarantees that her children go to school. You can learn more about the project here: Mama Nguvu Project

Last year, we were able to sponsor 11 Mamas who, in turn, have sent their 65 children to school. You can read more about their success stories here: Mama Update

This year, we want to more than double that amount and sponsor at least another 25 Mamas! Want to help us empower these women? You can use Paypal (even without a Paypal account) by clicking on the button to the right or you can send a cheque directly to ISEE Solutions using the address at the bottom right. Donations over $20 receive a tax receipt.

Help us reach our goal of $5000. Thank you so much for your support.

Webale Nyo!

Funds left to raise: $2906.78

Thank you for the following donations:

$25 – Bree B.

$100 – Anne L.

$75 – donated by the L.A. for Maeve B.

$20 – Kim M.

$20 – Elaine S.

$20 – Lynne D.

$100 – Pam L.

$50 – Margaux M.

$100 – Peter D.

$500 – Claude B.

$1083.22 – GME PAC


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