ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Recurring Donations and Another Thank You

Happy New Year!

We are excited to finally have a recurring donation button on our website. If you would like to make ISEE part of your recurring giving schedule, you can now set up recurring payments to happen daily, monthly or yearly. These payments can continue for as long as you want. One time donations are of course still greatly appreciated. Just use the top donate button for a one time donation and the bottom donate button with the drop-down menus for recurring donations. Thank you! Any issues with either of these buttons, please let me know.

We also received another thank you letter. This one is from Grace Labong, a director of Lamwo Rock Foundation for Children and Youth where we presented at several schools as well as purchasing sewing machines for the tailoring program.

Thank you all for making ISEE’s work possible! We couldn’t do it without your generous support.

December 31st, 2014

On behalf of Staffs and Board of Directors of Lamwo Rock Foundation for Youth and Children, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the enormous support that you offered to the community.

Your support has repeatedly played a key role in our success in reducing unemployment among youth and women and reduction in school dropouts among girls in schools. Hundreds of school children, youth and women bear  smiles of hope because of the SOLUTIONS  offered by ISEE.

As the New Year begins, let us pray that it will be a year with New Hope, New Happiness and abundance of new friends, God bless you through out the New Year 2015.

We look forward to a continuing partnership with you.

 May God bless the work of your hands

 Grace Labong

 Head Office At:
Guria East Village,
Parapono Parish,
Lokung Sub County,
Lamwo District

Your partner in:

Zero New Infections      Zero AIDS-related Deaths      Zero Discrimination

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