ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Some Photos and An Update

Here are some new photos of Rovence preparing for another large catering job that she has received since being sponsored. She has hired two ladies who help with her larger catering jobs.

And a few photos of Rashida at her Chai and Small Items shop. Rashida and Jenifer have had a hard time recently as a drunk driver drove into their line of shops and destroyed Jenifer’s new plates, cups, and saucepans. During the chaos immediately after the accident, Rashida’s shop, two doors down, was looted. Jenifer received compensation for the damage and has reopened but Rashida has just been using the profits from her sales to restock her shelves.

The resilience of these women is amazing. They are a lesson to us all.

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