ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

July 9 according to Wendy

Today was all about the Mamas; Adrine, Lorna, Francoise,Martha and Rashida.These amazing women have all undergone a screening process by Erika and Corey, and have developed a business plan to earn money to provide school fees for their children.

As we wound our way through the garbage strewn lanes, we were fortunate to visit some of their homes as well as their places of business, from a home knitting operation to a gin mill. Although Calen was tempted, no one was brave enough to taste the home brew. We did, however, taste Rashida’s delicious tea and purchased some spices and popcorn.

Next we met Janepher, a mother of two, who wants to expand her local food business. We squeezed into her “kitchen”, a dirt floor alley behind her tin box stall, and were impressed with her entrepreneurial style and the smells emanating from her kitchen, not to mention her beautiful smile. Madeleine and I will sponsor her once we return home.

An inspiring day, but a quiet ride home…

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