ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

We made it!


It took 7.5 hours for us to reach Gulu (325km) but we did stop for 30 minutes to buy muchomo, cassava, maize, soda, and gonga at Kafu River. The road is getting better but it’s still not pleasant.

Unfortunately the Kakanyero Hotel is full so we are at the Free Zone Hotel which is nice too.

Here’s the gang, hanging off the balcony at the hotel before heading to the Coffee Hut (where we are now). Dinner will be at the Ethiopian – yay!!

We probably won’t have internet for the next 5 nights in Kitgum but if we need to communicate, I can always call home. Remember, no news is good news!


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