ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Why Mama Nguvu?

This is why:


A study done by the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with other international organizations including Save the Children and UNICEF, found that 8 out of every 10 students in the Universal Primary Education system in Uganda drops out because of school fees.

58% of households never enroll their children because of school fees.

While UPE is supposed to be free, there are always fees including school uniforms and scholastic material. And with the government only giving schools 8,000 shillings per year (about $3.50) per student, the schools have to find other ways to raise the money to cover all the costs involved in running a school.

67% of children do not finish even their primary education.

This is why we believe Mama Nguvu is so important. By providing a business for a mother, she can then support her children and send them to school. That’s the agreement: we invest in the business, she invests in the education of her children.

Check out the Mama Nguvu candidates page to see the women you can sponsor. You do not have to sponsor anyone completely as all small amounts will contribute toward the total needed.

Thank you!

** This report was published on May 10th, 2014 in the Saturday Monitor. **


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