ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Update from Kiwuliriza

I wanted to share some exciting information with all of you ISEE supporters.

When we do a reproductive health presentation, we usually go in, present, hand out the kits and then leave. Rarely do we return to the same school or even location to see how the kits and girls are doing.

Today, we returned to Kiwuliriza Primary School to speak with Grace, the headmistress, about Mama Nguvu being brought into that community. While we were talking, I asked her about the kits and the girls that we presented to at the beginning of March.

She said that attendance had increased since the presentation and that in the past, they had days with attendance as low as 200 students (most of the school population is girls.) Since the presentation, the school has had record attendance days with the maximum attendance being 308 students. She credits the kits for the increased attendance.

Another effect is that 20 girls who had dropped out of school have returned full-time now that they have sanitary supplies.

“We had a parent day,” Grace continued, “and the mothers were thanking us for the kits over and over. Some were even on their knees thanking us for the kits for their girls. The older girls who no longer attend our school were asking if they could get kits too!”

So next week, we are returning to Kiwuliriza Primary School as it is school holidays and we are presenting to 100 girls ages 14+ who were former students of the school.

How exciting is that? I would say that is a measurable success. Thank you to all the sewers and thank you to all the supporters who donate financially to make these kits a reality.

Webale Nyo!

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