ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Meet Andrew Echel, ISEE’s Project Coordinator

The board of directors of ISEE Solutions Society is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Echel to the position of Project Coordinator (Uganda).

Andrew is 25 and is currently a student of International Business at Uganda Christian University. He is originally from Lira district in Northern Uganda.

I am involved with ISEE because of the wonderful vision they have to support the girls and women of Uganda to be able to acquire basic needs through sustainable projects and education.

ISEE has utilized Andrew for as long as we’ve been a charity and he has proven to be an excellent resource in his roles as translator and cultural liaison. He has been especially useful in the past few months while we’ve been laying the groundwork for Mama Nguvu.

We are confident that Andrew will continue to shine in his role as Project Coordinator and will continue to liaise with the various NGOs, partners and friends of ISEE here in Uganda.

He will be actively searching for new partners as well. To contact Andrew, please email him: andrew (at) ISEEsolutions (dot) org.


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