ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Alternative Gifts for Christmas

ISEE is pleased to offer alternative Christmas (or anytime) gifts to make your Christmas shopping easier! Select your gift then click on the Paypal button on the right. In the “special instructions to the seller” box, let us know what gift you are purchasing and if you would like us to send a card to another recipient. Thank you for making a difference this Christmas!

Any donation over $20 will receive a tax receipt and you can always make a general donation that will be used in one of the projects. All members of the ISEE board are volunteers and so your donation goes entirely into ISEE projects.

$20.00 – Keep Two Girls in School: Each year, hundreds of girls drop out of school because they can’t afford to buy sanitary supplies. This donation will provide two girls with a re-usable sanitary kit as well as a much needed workshop on reproductive health. Two in five girls in Uganda are pregnant or have a baby by the age of 19.

$50.00 – Bag of Books: Provide a selection of books for a primary school or several copies of the same book for a “book club” at a high school to help develop literacy skills.

$100.00+ – Sponsor an Entrepreneur: With the high rate of unemployment in Uganda, women and youth are relying on their own skills to earn a living by becoming entrepreneurs. Your donation could buy a sewing machine, a chicken coop, goats, pigs or be combined into a bigger project such as opening a dress shop or a mechanic shop.

$100.00+ – Sponsor a Garden: Children in orphanages are often only receiving a cup of millet porridge a day. A garden at an orphanage can drastically increase the health of the children and can also provide income through the sale of extra produce. School gardens can be used as living classrooms as well as a way to increase the health of children when they harvest and eat the produce they have grown.

$250 (yearly) – Sponsor a Child’s Primary Education: For this donation, we request a commitment to continue to sponsor the child annually until he/she reaches the next level of schooling. We can provide you with profiles of children for you to select which child you would like to sponsor.

If you would like to sponsor a secondary school student or a student attending post-secondary education, please contact Erika: erika (at) iseesolutions (dot) org for more details or look under the education tab at the sponsorship page.

$500 – Mobile Computer Lab: Most students who graduate with an ICT degree or certificate actually never have any practical experience using a computer. This donation will be used to purchase a laptop to create a mobile computer lab that will visit schools and give students and adults basic computer and internet skills.

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