ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Thank You Black Mountain Elementary!

Give a Garden

This year the Grade 5 Care and Make it Fair team from Black Mountain Elementary School helped provide the organization called, ISEE Solutions donate 3 gardens.  Our team goal was to raise $500 so we could help ISEE Solutions “Give a Garden”   to an orphanage in Uganda.  We were surprised to learn that most orphans only got a cup of oatmeal per day and wanted to make a difference.  $500 will include everything needed to build a garden, which would provide orphans with more nutritious food!   To raise enough money to build a garden we planned two fundraisers. Students from our school collected pledges from our community and ran laps around the school.  Two laps of our field equalled one km.  The other way we raised money was by holding a bake sale at our school Family Fun night.  In the end we exceeded our goal and raised $1500.  We were happy to be able to donate 3 gardens!

                     The Care and Make it Fair Team

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