ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

15 hours to go!

This is an exciting and stressful time. In 15 hours (plus a 2 hour time-change), Corey and I will arrive in Uganda for a 13 month experience of a lifetime. I cannot wait to experience “all” of what Uganda has to offer and to get ISEE’s feet wet. To think that 11 months ago ISEE was just a thought, not even a start of a reality, our little organization has already accomplished a lot. Now we will get to put that into action on the ground.

The rest of the team arrives on Friday and on Monday the 15th, we will be heading to Gulu to educate young women about their reproductive health and to distribute the 500 kits that volunteers in the Okanagan Valley, Calgary, and Scotland have lovingly sewn. We will also be exploring areas where gardens could be created using the funds collected by schools from SD23: Glenmore, Peachland, North Glenmore and Black Mountain.

Other projects include meeting with Olivia and Diana at Days for Girls Uganda and learning how we can support them. We will be visiting God’s Grace Orphanage to see how the garden is doing and how we can help maintain it. We will connect with Youth Sport Uganda and deliver jerseys donated by the families around Kelowna. We also have a mystery school that contacted me from outside Jinja but we have not been able to locate it or come into contact with it.

Of course, we will revisit Bombo and the children of Elohim. We will see colleagues at Kawanda and connect with our sponsor student there. Living Hope is on our list (my first stop if I can arrange it.) There are always new contacts as well and new places to visit as friends of friends of friends contact us to connect and new partnerships are investigated and formed.

I love Uganda, its people, and all the experiences I have had there. The stress only comes from starting something new.

Keep checking back here as we will be updating as regularly as we can to share what ISEE has been up to. Thank you for your support and interest!

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