ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Kathy’s Delicious Food Memories

I have fond memories of Uganda but the food was an unexpected pleasure. Avocados, mango, pineapple, tilapia and more. All seem to come in extra large sizes too. I had no idea there were so many kinds of bananas and pineapple. Our meals were served outside and always consisted of various, sweet fruit. Next door to our resource centre were avocado trees and most mornings we could see someone climbing the tree and knocking this precious item on the ground. Erika introduced us to the best omelet consisting of toast, avocado and an omelet on top. Heaven.

Another unexpected delight, peanut butter! Peanuts grow on the ground in Uganda and are used to make superb peanut butter, a staple in my diet wherever I go. I brought a jar back and it was sad to see the last spoonful used. I didn’t even share it with my dogs!

And what about tilapia? In Canada you get these little pieces of fish but in Uganda, straight from Lake Victoria, the fish can be as large as 10 kg.  It was delicious.

OK, I am drooling now.

Can we get imports from Uganda?

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