ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE a Difference

After having the opportunity to travel and volunteer abroad multiple times I often hear questions like “How do you choose?”  “Why not this [insert name here] organization instead?” “How is your organization different?”.

Well, here’s what I have to say to that:

We’re grassroots, we’re authentic, we’re willing (and eager!) to hear your input and put it into practice.

My biggest suggestion when looking for an organization to get involved with is to go with what feels right in your heart.  Do the core values of the organization line up with your own?  Do you feel comfort with the expected and accepted level of your involvement?  Is transparency something you’re looking for; are they transparent?  Are the focus of their projects a passion of your own?

Being involved with ISEE allows for transparency, participation in multiple ways, and real answers to your real questions, based on our experiences.  Join us as we work towards sustainability, education and empowerment solutions.


Want to talk to me personally?  Email me at bree(at)iseesolutions(dot)org

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