ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions


The purposes of the society include:

– to relieve poverty in developing nations by providing food and other basic supplies to persons in need and establishing small scale farming programs to provide food security and promote self-sufficiency

Activities in Support of Purpose:  ISEE Solutions will undertake sustainability projects that will provide food and finances to provide clothing and medical care for needy individuals.

The implementation of a garden project is a sustainable way to educate, cut costs and boost health in a simple yet effective way for the recipient(s).  ISEE will identify and work with local NGOs, non-profits or organization established to provide benefit to the community at large such as orphanages and schools.  The gardens will be created to provide those with minimal income and limited variety in their diet the ability to produce their own food and sell any additional produce to generate income. Such a project is easy to maintain; first the land must be fertilized and tilled appropriately, then seeds are to be planted, followed by basic vegetable maintenance.  Depending on the recipients situation, the vegetables grown can either be consumed, sold or both.  By implementing such a project there are many benefits:

  1. It is a learning opportunity and a skill set for the recipient(s)
  2. It has the ability to generate an income
  3. It has the ability to increase nutritional intake for the recipient(s)

The implementation of a mushroom farming project is a sustainable way to educate, cut costs and boost health in a simple yet effective way for the recipient(s).  This project allows for a large recipient group; and ISEE will select groups or organizations such as the orphanage, which are disadvantaged, to implement future mushroom farming projects to promote sustainability and empowerment.   This project provides many benefits; while it requires three days of professional (local Ugandan) training, it provides a very specific skill set for the recipient(s).  As well, it is largely an income generating project with a high market in Uganda.  At the same time it produces enough to allow for nutritional supplement for the recipient(s).

ISEE plans to continue to implement this project by raising the start-up funds, keeping in touch with the local trainers and providing the education and training necessary to groups or persons deemed appropriate.

Edgar waters the first seeds sown in the garden created at God’s Grace Orphanage in Kyebando, an urban slum in Kampala.