ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Bree in Ghana III

Day 6 in Ghana

For consistency sake I am going to grace you with a day six update, only to tell you that this was primarily a day of rest. Travelling through Ghana seems to make many hours in both directions and so when we leave the house for activities we are often gone for hours and hours at a time. Aside from lounging around, I took a brief solo walk around the neighbourhood and successfully found my way back! 

Thanks for reading 🙂

Day 7 in Ghana

On the seventh day of Ghana, the country gave to me ????. It’s important that you sang that.  Anyways, moving on… 

Today we traveled outside of Accra to Suhum, a city about two hours away, and landed at Suhum New Town High School. With a group of twenty Project One Million volunteers, we prepared to give separate presentations to both the girls and boys about personal hygiene, grooming, menstruation and, of course, distribute the sanitary kits.  Us women and girls started all together in a room before breaking off into smaller groups.  As is my typical experience when we do these presentations in Uganda, we were told to expect 70 girls and about 120 of them filed into the small gathering hall.  Kassia, facilitator extraordinaire and mastermind behind Project One Million started with some introductions about the work before handing it over to yours truly to give a demonstration of the sanitary kits. 

My favourite part of these presentations is when we shift from talking at people, to talking with people and open the floor up for questions.  Many of the girls had questions about their flow, cycle length, hygiene, and everything in-between. It’s such a gift to share our experiences as women and watch the girls recognize that while their experience may be unique, it is still normal. The girls learned how to care for their sanitary kits as well, and were excited to hear that when properly taken care of, these kits can last up to three years. 

Did you know? These sanitary kits are sewn by tens and tens of women (and several men) from ages 8 to 90in Kelowna.  We are so grateful to their support over the last ten years! 

“Hello, Canada!” 

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