ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Report July 25

Sara’s goats

Greetings to you all,

I hope you are well. 

The sun went on to shine more and more this week. It has been incredibly hot and temperatures have been high even though not as much as it is in Europe or America but yet regardless we move as the saying goes to Uganda. 

I managed to reach more of our Mamas yet again but unlike the previous weeks, at the end of the week I traveled to my village shortly for a family occasion and we traveled safely back to Kampala.

Francoise mixing beans

My first dialogue was with Francoise who has continued to do well with her donut business as reported previously. She continued to make more donuts and the demand is still available. What I like with particular activity is because she is working with a fellow Mama even though she is not registered on our program. They make them at Francoise’s home and the other Mama or lady is the one who hawks the donuts. She is also cooking in her original beans and maize mix. I found her cooking and she was smiling and that was a good sign. 

Jane filling jerry cans

On the other hand, Jane is having a fantastic time with her water business as the drought has forced the demand for her water to return. I am sure we can remember from my previous reports that Jane was not having a wonderful time as the rains just kept interrupting the demand. She is happy and is looking healthy too. Francis, her grandson, has also been doing well and he has attended his previous physio meetings. 

Sarah on her front porch

I also visited Sarah with her goats but unlike last time when she received about 5 baby goats, this week she lost one of them to some weird disease but she was able to catch the rest before the disease became worse and the veterinary doctor treated them. They are now well and back to normal. The pigs are really looking good and we discussed a bit about the way forward and she desires to sell them off as soon as she gets an opportunity. She desires not to expand the dry but rather keep raising 2-3 pigs is easier than keeping more where it is very hard to feed them. 


Amina has continued to make good progress with her healing from the surgery on her hip. She has had two visits to the doctor and he likes what he has seen. Amina has kept the instructions at heart and follows them daily. She is almost in the clear and hopefully, the doctor will tell her to continue with her life as normally she would. I am desperate for this because Amina is a bit behind in terms of business than where she ought to be. I would like to discuss her next steps sooner than later as she already has some debts to pay.

Henry and his chickens

Henry has been doing incredibly especially with his chickens and pigs. The chickens have become much bigger and very soon, just like mine have, his birds will start laying eggs. He will just need some coffee husks to put on the floor of the coop. The pigs also look very good and unlike Sarah, Henry wants to expand his pig sty as he has more space than Sarah. The only challenge for him this month was that he got diagnosed with High blood pressure and he is receiving treatment already which is good for him.

Dorah’s rabbits

I managed to visit Dorah’s rabbits and they are looking much better and the number has grown much bigger. Unfortunately, as it is usually for these types of animals, it’s hard to get 100% results so she has lost 2 of the last twelve. I interacted with her son who likes to care for them and he really loves them. He doesn’t go to school without or before giving them plants and flowers to feed on. 


Sammy is also dreaming to start her soap business because last week her sons were sent away from school because of school fees. Otherwise, she is continuing with her school job and teaching on a weekly basis so that’s a good thing. The good thing is that the soap-making does not interfere with her schoolwork and teaching.

Finally, I received a message from Margaret and Anna who have been out of town for a really long time, and now they are here so I look forward to seeing them and hearing from them what is happening, especially with Anna and her cookie business. I felt like it had potential when we started and when we spoke about it. Jane has started the construction of the tank base and we will move it sooner than later, so we can secure the tank. The person keeping it has started moving because he received his payment for his plot.

Thank you all dear friends and partners for the support you have endlessly given to us and the Mamas at large. Rehema, Irene and Annet are doing well at the moment. I am looking forward to seeing them next week and continuing to report to you their progress as they attempt to change their lives and families. We will forever be grateful for the sacrifice you continue to make toward this project.

“Mwebale nnyo” (Thank you very much)

Report by:

Andrew Echel 

Director of Programs, Uganda.

ISEE Solutions Society

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