ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

July 10 update

Greetings to you all,

Happy Month of July. We are officially past the halfway mark in 2023, time flies so fast. I look back at the dreams and goals I set at the beginning of the year and my heart sinks a bit because I have not been able to accomplish some or even most but there is still time I guess. Someone once told me that there is no need for setting goals and targets because they are a source of frustration in our lives. Life will always happen as it fits because you and I might not exactly determine what will happen tomorrow, so let’s take on today and enjoy it as we live in the present moments. 

Otherwise, this week was wonderful, our Muslim brothers and sisters celebrated Eid, an Eid where they slaughter animals as a religious ritual so it was nice to have a break in between the week. It was unfortunate that I was not invited by any of my beloved Muslim mates but I survived the hunger hehe.

Even though my week was slowed down a bit by the public holiday, I was able to visit a few of our Mamas and I met the following. 


After a minor surgery on her right hip, removing a lymphoma, Amina is doing well and is recovering progressively. The swelling was removed smoothly and she is looking happy at the moment. At the time of my visit, she was seated plaiting with one of the girl’s hair who was going to pay her some money so she can attend her review the next day. Understandably, she has not yet returned to her work as she still feels pain in the hip so she doesn’t move much because of her sutures. 


Semmy is also doing okay at the moment. I don’t know how she survives really because she has three school-going children who pay up to about 2 million shillings but earns way less than that in the three months of school. So, she teaches coaching classes to be able to get some more income to sustain the family. We spoke about possible solutions to this dilemma and she desires to start a soap-making business to also help her to improve her income. She is going through a separation process but the ex-partner has not made it any easier for both of them and the kids are the ones facing the effects. 

Aidah and daughter

Aidah is doing okay. The only challenge has been that she had been not feeling well and also she lost a close relative and she was away for a few days. Otherwise, she is doing well and back to business. She has also ensured her daughter goes to school and that’s been a good thing. 


Florence has continued to stabilize her business with the salon. She widened the shop by reducing the sleeping area and the salon looks more spacious and decent. Her son is growing well and the older ones are in school but the girl has been struggling with stomach ulcers so she has been undergoing some kind of treatment. 


Rashida’s veggie stall is doing well. The stall is well supplied with vegetables and the main market supply has been good during this hot season. Usually, around this time most stalls are empty but she is fully supplied. I also usually grab a few vegetables from her stall to use at home so it is always great. 


Rovence is also doing great. She has resumed her weekend cooking project as it had been halted for a few weeks because of public holidays that were falling on the same day as the day she cooks. She is supposed to cook every Saturday for a group of young people who gather at one of the local organizations in her community. These public holidays affected her income and she needed it because her mother has been sickly for the past couple of months. The good thing has been that the salon has been working and the demand for the food has not been bad. 


Pulakiseeda has greatly improved from the last boost. Her stall is looking supplied too. The beans, posho, sugar and other items that we bought are being restocked so it’s wonderful to work with someone hardworking. Of course, there is still some more work to do and rebuild that business but am happy to see her progress. 

Otherwise, the week went well and I was able to travel back and forth to the different places I had to go to. The mamas are doing okay mostly but of course, others are still struggling and we are working together to ensure that everyone is okay. That everyone gets a proficient solution to the challenges that they face. I can never stop saying thank you to all our supporters and because of you, we have made the difference we have made. It’s an honour working with you all. 

Report by:

Andrew Echel

Director of Programs, Uganda 

ISEE Solutions Society

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