ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

2017 Peregrination is almost here

2017 ISEE Volunteer Team Photo


Hopefully by this stage the bags are all packed, the medications are all ready, and the family and friends are all prepared, because in 12 short days, we’ll be in Uganda!

The culmination of almost a years’ worth of work, the 2017 Peregrination is almost upon us.  We will meet at 4:15 AM (gulp!) at the airport to take our first stage to Calgary. From door to door (or bed to bed), we calculate about 51 hours… quite a journey.

On behalf of ISEE and our board of directors, thank you to all the great volunteers who have spent hours and hours and hour sewing kits, stuffing suitcases, storing pads, and financially supporting us.

Erika will post as much as she can to this space, so bookmark us and keep checking back for updates and info.

If you haven’t yet done so, you can also follow us on Instagram: we are isee_solutions

Get rested, ladies: the adventure is about to begin!

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