ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions


We are so pleased to announce that Marina, Ellen and Kathy have arrived safe and sound at Kabojja International School!

L-R President Erika,Director Sam,Dir. Comm Kathy, VP Ellen, ADir. Youth Action Marina, Director Ahmed

We are also thrilled that all of their luggage arrived, too! We have assembled over 200 kits and are just awaiting the purchase of one more component (which we will do en masse Sunday) and we will be ready for our trip up to Gulu.

Some of the last-minute additions

Erika happily sorting all the components

Each piece had to be unpacked and re-folded before inserting into the kits

Assembling the kits on the boardroom table

We still have only one modem stick and one computer working — no wifi means no iPhones or iPads — but we will hopefully rectify that soon. Sam is working on it but he’s a very busy man and we don’t expect him to drop everything for us!

Tomorrow we are off to the fruit and veg market with James, our sometimes-cook. Tonight the team had to make due with a dinner cooked by Corey — rice, stir fried green beans, lentils, and sauteed mushrooms.

All are well and we hope to be in contact with you all soon. Please keep us in your thoughts and remember that even the most ordinary-sounding news from home is still news from home. More to come!

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