ISEE Solutions

Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

ISEE Solutions - Investing in Sustainability, Education and Empowerment Solutions

Thanks to volunteers

Thanks to Volunteers — by Ellen Pedersen

On June 1st there was a thank-you tea for all the wonderful volunteers that sewed menstrual kits for us to take to Uganda. I was in awe of the women who produced all these kits as my sewing attempts usually end up with things inside out and/or upside down and frequently involve personal injury.

The hours and dedication that went into producing over 500 kits is impressive.

It also made me reflect of the value of volunteers and volunteering.

I was surprised to see Elaine, a woman I have known for years. I had no idea she was involved in the sewing. She also did not know that my daughter and I were involved with ISEE and would be transporting the fruits of her labour to Uganda. It was a great opportunity to reconnect and discuss humanitarian projects she is involved in.

My daughter, Marina, an ISEE associate board member, had a wonderful conversation with Selma, an energetic woman who did sewing for this project. Selma told us that if she were younger she would love to come to Uganda, but because she cannot this was her way of helping out.

One woman had sewn a number of beautiful dresses for us to take. Marina excitedly looked through them naming which girl she had met last summer that she thought each dress would be perfect for.

Volunteering is of great benefit to people in need, but it also benefits those of us who are living in privilege. 20130603-175131.jpgIt is a mechanism to keep us connected with our community and with the world. It is a way of keeping meaning in our lives.

{Note: Special thanks to Elaine at Village Flower Shop  for ordering 50 lovely carnations on short notice! You should consider her for your next floral needs!}